Free Unlock For I9000 - I897 - T959 To All Users
I9000 unlock instructions
1. Power on the phone and go to Applications->Settings->About Phone->USB
2. Select Mass Storage
3. Connect the phone to USB cable
4. Swipe down the top notification bar then tap “USB Connected” then select
5. Copy file to phone mass storage root
6. Power off the phone
7. Press Volume Up+Home+Power on key to start the phone into recovery
8. Go to “apply” using volume keys then select it using
home key
9. Power on the phone then go to Andoid Market and install Terminal
10. Run Terminal Emulator
11. Type cat /efs/nv_data.bin >> /sdcard/nv_data.bin into terminal then type
12. Connect the phone to PC in USB Storage Mode then copy nv_data.bin file
to your pc
13. Open nv_data.bin file with any hex editor (ex. Hex workshop) then go to
address 00181460
14. There are the codes
15. Power on the phone with any unaccepted sim card inside then type in the
first code to unlock the phone
I9000 unlock instructions
1. Power on the phone and go to Applications->Settings->About Phone->USB
2. Select Mass Storage
3. Connect the phone to USB cable
4. Swipe down the top notification bar then tap “USB Connected” then select
5. Copy file to phone mass storage root
6. Power off the phone
7. Press Volume Up+Home+Power on key to start the phone into recovery
8. Go to “apply” using volume keys then select it using
home key
9. Power on the phone then go to Andoid Market and install Terminal
10. Run Terminal Emulator
11. Type cat /efs/nv_data.bin >> /sdcard/nv_data.bin into terminal then type
12. Connect the phone to PC in USB Storage Mode then copy nv_data.bin file
to your pc
13. Open nv_data.bin file with any hex editor (ex. Hex workshop) then go to
address 00181460
14. There are the codes
15. Power on the phone with any unaccepted sim card inside then type in the
first code to unlock the phone
[HACK] Free Unlock For I9000 - I897 - T959 To All Users