VolcanoBox 1.9.0 (UPDATE)
VolcanoBox 1.9.0 World*s 1st Coolsand CPU ID - MTK Android 4.0.9 Imei Repair & More..
VolcanoBox 1.9.0
Whats new ?
World*s 1st Automatic recognition of CPU ID coolsand
Coolsand increases the recognition of some new flash type
SPD6530 automatic reading 32M
MTK 65xx Android 4.0.x Imei repair.
Details :
Now VolcanoBox can detect CPU ID from any of phones. whenever you will readinfo you will see log like this.
please press Power on/off button.
CPU ID: 880A 7002
Flash ID : 00C84016
Flash Type: SF_GD25Q32
>>Flash Len :0x400000(4M)
CPU ID: 880A 7002
This is Mobile CPU ID. now this is very important whenever you read flash always save file name with CPU ID and FLASH ID and FLASH TYPE and Flash Len. on next upcoming update we will do Auto. you will not have to Write name with your keyboard. so Now this problem solved that Same phone have different Cpu now no need to open just read info and you can know what cpu is inside. for example
CT1130/1131 is 8806
CT1129D is 8808
CT8851A is 880A ( not confirmed )
Once you use you will know which CPU ID have which CPU. and please collect all details that which cpu id have which cpu and post in it one thread.
MTK 65xx Android 4.0.x Imei repair.
Mostly All MTK65xx Imei repair can be done with Volcano Box !!
Today we have tested QMobile A8 MTK6577 4.0.4 which was not repairing imei before but now it can !! Also we have tested Clone Iphone 4s MTK 6573 4.0.9 Both imei repair done !!!!
how to do it ?
1st of all. Try to repair imei
if success then Good otherwise
if failed then go to
C:\Program files\VolcanoTeam\Volcano Box\Documents & Help\Samsung Modem Dump\Samsung Root\SuperOneClickv2.3.3-ShortFuse.rar
Extract it
open it
click on Root
check if it*s saying your phone is already rooted.
if it*s saying then download Super User from Google play
run it.
close it
plug usb and repair imei it must be done.
if it*s not saying thta your phone is already rooted
then let it root. if success then repair imei
if still not success then find some root software and root it
after root your phone imei will be repaired !!
I am Collecting All possible root softwares and i will give it to you in next upcoming updates...
Special Thanks to alpesh_12345 for testing with me Clone Iphone 4s 4.0.9
Download ->> KLIK
January 26, 2013 | 0
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