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Showing posts with label odin. Show all posts

How to Update/Upgrade Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830 to Android 2.3.3 Gingerbread XXKPT Firmware

Written By Raja unlock on Friday, January 4, 2013 | January 04, 2013

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Here's the step by step procedure on how to manually install the firmware build S5830XWKPT to Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830, which will update the phone to android 2.3.3 Gingerbread version. The S5830XWKPT build firmware has a CSC file of XEOKP2  a Polski default language which is for Poland but you can manually change it according to your desire language or in your region.

Firmware details:
Phone: S5830XWKP7
Android 2.3.3 Gingerbread
Update release: August 2011

Here's an available languages for this firmware:
- Čeština
- Dansk
- Deutsch (Deutschland)
- Deutsch (Österreich)
- Deutsch (Schweiz)
- English (Australia)
- English (Ireland)
- English (New Zeland)
- English (Sout Africa)
- English (United Kingdom)
- English (United States)
- Español (España)
- Español (Estados Unidos)
- Français (France)
- Hrvatski
- Icelandic
- Irish
- Italiano
- Kazakh
- Latviešu
- Lietuvių
- Macedonian
- Magyar
- Nederlands (België)
- Norwegian
- Polski
- Português
- Română
- Slovenčina
- Slovenščina
- Suomi
- Svrnska
- Türkçe
- Ελληνικά
- Български
- Русский
- српски
- 한국어
Note: this may contain error!
See the build info here:

The S5830XWKPT is pack in a multiple packaged file, which means you need to flash the OPS, Bootloader, PHONE, PDA and CSC together in ODIN. When it comes to flashing the 5 binary files, it will delete all your data stored on the device,. Make sure to have a back copy of all important data stored on your Galaxy Ace before proceeding.. Just find and use any back up tools you got, aside from ROM manager which is reportedly may harm your precious Galaxy Ace. So, proceed with extra precaution.

Odin Flashing procedure on Samsung Galaxy Ace with S5830XWKPT firmware.

Disclaimer: We shall not be held responsible if anything happens to your device. You may only proceed at your risk. This guide will work and proven by us and other users.

Download the firmware package, OPS file and Odin Multi downloader tool.
Download via link
password is

ODIN Multi Downloader v4.38

1) Once the firmware already downloaded extract it.

samsung galaxy Ace gt-s5830 XWKPT download firmware update

2) Extract and then Run ODIN on your PC desktop.
3) Tick on the OPS button then select and load the COOPER.Ops file.

- Tick on the  BOOT button then select and load the bootloader file

- Tick on the PDA button then load and select the code file

- Tick on the PHONE button then select and load the phone's modem

  - Tick on the CSC button then load and select the default CSC file

  On the checkboxes, leave the Auto-Reboot and Protect OPS checked only the One Package is unchecked

samsung galaxy Ace gt-s5830 firmware update flashing procedure installing files

4) Once all the binary files are already set and loaded on ODIN.. It's now time to prepare your Galaxy Ace into download mode so that it can be detected by ODIN.
To boot  into download mode, Turn Off your Samsung Galaxy Ace,  then press and hold the Volume Down+Power+ Middle buttons together. You will then see an android robot digging with a shovel on the LCD screen display.

samsung galaxy Ace Download mode

5) Once the phone displays in download mode, plug the USB cable to connect it to PC, on ODIN a COM Port mapping will indicate and turn to color yellow if the device is already detected. Ensure that the connection is very tough and then put your device in a safe place of your computer table to avoid any interruption.
samsung galaxy Ace gt-s5830 firmware update flashing procedure start guide

6) After making sure that the phone is properly connected,.. Hit the "START" button to begin flashing. Wait until the whole process completes it only takes around 5 minutes to finish. A progress bar on the left side of ODIN will show you the downloading progress.
A word "PASS" on ODIN will show and indicates that the flashing is already completed. . Then your Samsung Galaxy Ace will then reboot.
samsung galaxy Ace gt-s5830 firmware update flashing procedure completes

If the flashing  successfully completes, the phone will then reboot... you may then unplug it from the PC.
You can confirm the newly downloaded firmware version name etc by typing **#1234#.

Do a factory reset to regain a fresh firmware installed after flashing,  a full reset is by typing this Code *2767*3855# . Just make a back up copy first for it will wipe the data this time. Factory reset may help to gain a fresh firmware installed after installing.
You may then change the default language according to your locale or region, On the Menu managed to navigate and locate the icon for Text and Locale settings and then change it to your prepared language.
January 04, 2013 | 0 comments | Read More
Raja Unlock Raja Unlock Updated at: January 04, 2013
Raja Unlock
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