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Showing posts with label WALLPAPERS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WALLPAPERS. Show all posts

Digital Blasphemy Wallpapers 1.0.4 (Android)

Written By Raja unlock on Sunday, October 28, 2012 | October 28, 2012

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Digital Blasphemy Wallpapers 1.0.4 (Android)

Overview: Digital Blasphemy is a website full of computer art created by Ryan Bliss. He's managed to make a living creating art! This is the official (but fan made) app for the site. Ryan didn't write this app, but he provided feedback and design requests all throughout the development process. Ryan and Digital Blasphemy do not provide support for this app!
Requirements: Android OS 2.3 and up

What's New in Digital Blasphemy Wallpapers version 1.0.4 :
All the thumbnails are missing from the site at the time of this writing. They'll be back before you read this I imagine, but in the mean time; it illuminated a bug in the error handler that presented 0/30 or 0/10 images loading and then the app just kinda crashed. I fixed the crash, so the app shows placeholders when things like this happen in the future.

This app will assist in downloading DB images and help to set them as the wallpaper in your launcher. It will let you rate images and post comments (if you have a subscription and are signed in). It will also let you read the current site news and comments regardless of whether you're signed in.

*** You do need a subscription (which costs extra and is not included) to download most of the image resolutions. To see what you're missing, check out Clockwork 2011. Ryan made Clockwork free for users of the app, regardless of subscription status. ***

The only image resolutions listed and available will be the mobile images (and some others) that are free on the website. Once a username is provided, the rest of the image resolutions will be available. Also, if you have not provided a username, the ratings button, comment button and various other UI interfaces will be hidden.

There's still an awful lot on the todo list, but we think the app does a pretty good job with comments, news, ratings and downloading the images. If you have problems, let me know, and I'll try to fix it as soon as I can.

Hi! My name is Paul and I'm the developer. I have fixed all the bugs I could find, so if you're having a problem, it's most likely that I can't see it. If you report bugs via the Play Store ratings, then I really can't help you. If I could see the bug, I would have fixed it! In nearly all cases I will require further information. I will be reading the ratings comments though, so feature requests there are acceptable; just, please, not bug reports.

You can contact me about bugs and feature requests through an interface built right into the app. You can also email me using the support address provided in the Play Store. Please don't contact Ryan about the app unless it's to tell him how awesome I am as a developer.

Please take it easy on me too. I don't expect to make much money on on this app. I'm splitting it with Ryan (50/50), Google, and the IRS. I did this for fun in my spare time. Please keep it fun!

Download Digital Blasphemy Wallpapers 1.0.4 (Android)

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View the original article here

October 28, 2012 | 0 comments | Read More
Raja Unlock Raja Unlock Updated at: October 28, 2012

step by step unlock mep0 * Blackberry (8100,8110,8120,8310,8320,8900,9000,9500)

Written By Raja unlock on Sunday, September 9, 2012 | September 09, 2012

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* Blackberry (8100,8110,8120,8310,8320,8900,9000,9500)
* Draft Rtas "Only 8900,9000,9500" the other a standard Loader
* MFI Multiloader
* Radio Lab Tools

1. run the Loader or Rtas draft "without battery"

2. Connect with Radio Lab Tools

3. after that says "Connect" at Radio Lab Tools

4. open MFI Multiloader deselect the "Auto Start"

5. Then open the hidden menu by pressing "ctrl + alt + shift + F12"

6. Press "Clear MEP" If you did everything right will say "MEP file loaded
successfully "

7. Now reload the OS

8. And now you will see mep 0 reset

For a 9500 can i make the same procedure. was able to reach up to loader part. But MML Does not detect the PHONE !!! That NORMAL? how to make the MML detect the phone??? Does not detect the PHONE !!! That NORMAL? how to make the MML detect the phone???
extract this on C:/MML

Before asking stupid ppls questions 1st test and post results.

Assume the following only support old security, if it is not on the list.. then it is not supported !!!

If you find anything different then stated above post results
September 09, 2012 | 0 comments | Read More
Raja Unlock Raja Unlock Updated at: September 09, 2012

IVIEW 760TPC (a.k.a. Ployer Momo9) Firmware & ROM Releases

Written By Raja unlock on Thursday, September 6, 2012 | September 06, 2012

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    IVIEW 760TPC (a.k.a. Ployer Momo9) Firmware & ROM Releases

** IVIEW 760TPC (a.k.a. Ployer Momo9) Firmware, ROM Releases Thread **

Last Updated: 2012-05-10 9:10 PM GMT-8
- new and official 4.0.3 firmware from IVIEW (97F2-D1-H1-M01-1851.20120419) for 2.0MP camera models
- new 4.0.3 firmware (97F2-D1-H1-H02-1901.20120407) for 1.3MP camera models
- updated custom "super" script v5b

This thread will be used to give information on the latest firmware, rom, image releases for the IVIEW 760TPC (a.k.a. Ployer Momo9) tablet.

F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions):
1.) How do I flash firmware for this tablet?
- I made a Video Tutorial showing you how
- more instructions in the LiveSuit/LiveSuite download below

2.) Which firmware is best for me?
- I recommend getting the latest firmware release because they are usually the most improved, stable, faster, more responsive, etc.

3.) Why is there three types of firmware (97F1, 97F2, and another 97F2)?
- this tablet has three variations, and denoted by each firmware release
- 97F1 - has a 0.3MP camera, this is the first model sold (by IVIEW)
- 97F2 - has a 2.0MP camera, this is the current model sold (by IVIEW)
- 97F2 - has a 1.3MP camera, this variation is NOT sold by IVIEW, other OEMs internationally sell this variation

4.) Can I use any of the firmware even if the camera version is different? Or I do not know which version I have?
- Yes, the firmware should all work across all variations of the tablet.
- The only app that might not work (if the firmware is not model specific) is the camera app

5.) Are the ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich) firmware releases good enough to use yet? Worth to firmware flash?
- Yes, I feel that the latest ICS 4.0.3 builds are quite solid and responsive. I recommend to use my custom "super" script immediately after flashing an ICS firmware to get the latest updates for the GApps, framework, and to unlock apps in the Google Play Store (formerly Market).

6.) Are all apps and games compatible for ICS yet?
- most of the popular apps work perfectly fine in ICS
- the apps that work best have been updated recently (after Sept-2011), apps that are older might not work.

1.) ICS 4.0.1 (Ice Cream Sandwich) Video Review:
YouTube Link Here
- showing 4.0.1 working fine (now... latest is 4.0.3, much faster and snappier)

2.) Video Tutorial - Advanced Improvements - Flashing Firmware, Custom Scripts & more
YouTube Link Here
- showing you how to flash firmware, installing custom scripts, installing ClockworkMod Recovery, using Allwinner Mod app to change the DPI.

- IVIEW 760TPC Product Page
- IVIEW Firmware/Update Downloads Page

1.) 2012-02-10 - 760TPC 4GB version (97F1-D1-H2-H01-N410.20111210)
- ONLY for 4GB with 0.3MP camera models
- this is the original firmware that shipped with the tablet, no bloatware
2.) 2012-02-09 - 760TPC 8GB version (97F2-D1-H1-H01-1529.20120114)
- ONLY for 8GB with 2.0MP camera models
- this is latest official firmware

My MediaFire Folder containing all uploaded Firmware, mods, scripts, etc.:
Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire
- all firmware if above 200MB (mediafire limit) is split into two files, download the files, use 7-zip or WinRAR to extract the single IMG file.

2.3.4 (Gingerbread) Firmware (for 0.3MP camera models):
- 97F1-D1-H2-H01-N410.20111210 (firmware it shipped with)
- 97F1-D1-H2-H01-N410.20120307 (latest version, recommend this one)
Download 97F1 (0.3MP camera) Firmware Here

2.3.4 (Gingerbread) Firmware (for 2.0MP camera models):
- 97F2-D1-H1-H01-1529.20120114 (official release, recommend this one)
- 97F2-D1-H1-M01-1309.20120316 (latest version, in Chinese with bloatware)
Download 97F2 (2.0MP camera) Firmware Here

4.0.3 ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich) Firmware (for 0.3MP camera models):
- 97F1-D1-H2-H01-N412.20120206
- 97F1-D1-H2-H01-N412.20120220
- 97F1-D1-H2-H01-N412.20120225
- 97F1-D1-H2-H01-N412.20120305
- 97F1-D1-H2-H01-N413.20120314* (4.0.3 latest version, recommend this one)
Download 97F1 (0.3MP camera) Firmware Here
*Note: has locked Market apps (my custom script does fix it, run it immediately after the firmware flash)

4.0.3 ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich) Firmware (for 2.0MP camera models):
- 97F2-D1-H1-H01-1617.20120228*
- 97F2-D1-H1-M01-1851.20120419 (official 4.0.3 release from IVIEW, recommend this one)
Download 97F2 (2.0MP camera) Firmware Here
*Note: has locked Market apps (my custom script does fix it, run it immediately after the firmware flash)

4.0.3 ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich) Firmware (for 1.3MP camera models):
- 97F2-D1-H1-H02-1901.20120407
- 97F2-D1-H1-H02-1901.20120417 (latest build from Ployer)
- my Mediafire folder here
- these ICS firmware builds are not important to IVIEW owners because the models with 1.3MP camera were not re-branded for the IVIEW 760TPC versions that were sold in the USA.

RECOMMENDED APPS for all builds:
- Superuser (go to Preferences > set Automatic Response to "Allow" and Load the SU binary at bottom)
- ES File Explorer
- Advanced Wifi Lock

Other Compatible Firmware Sources:
1.) Ployer Momo9 - Official Firmware (Chinese)
2.) Ployer Momo9 - Official Firmware (English)
3.) X10 AirPad 7p - Official Firmware
4.) CherryPal CherryPad C807 / M-677 - Official Firmware
5.) Qware Pro 3 - Firmware (not official; an enthusiast site)

Firmware Flashing Tools:
1.) LiveSuite 1.07 (English) - 3.51MB
- recommended tool (x86 & x64) used to flash firmware for AllWinner A10 tablets
2.) Instructions to use LiveSuite to flash firmware
- Word document (.DOC) with instructions and pictures
- or watch my video tutorial to see how its done

MODS, APK's, and Scripts:
1.) Market 3.4.4 APK (for replacing the old Market on 2.3.4 builds)
- download it onto your tablet, open the APK with a file manager & replace the old Market.
2.) SystemUI Mod (for 2.3.4 Firmware)
- ONLY for 2.3.4, it will remove the Cell Signal icon, as well as the other softkey icons in the notification bar
- Instructions in the README text file, read carefully first.
3.) ClockworkMod Recovery 5 (for AllWinner A10 tablets)
- my scripts for both 2.3.4 and 4.0.x
4.) External USB Keyboard/Mouse default key mapping
5.) [APP] AllWinner Mod
- (only for ICS) spoofs ID of device to unlock Market apps; change DPI and modes
6.) Custom "Super" Script for ICS 4.0.3 - Version 5b
- unlocks Play Store (Market) apps, updates GApps, removes phone services, etc... read the README

Disclaimer: I am in no way responsible if you damage, ruin, brick, etc. your 760TPC if you flash any of the unofficial firmware, updates, patches and mods.
September 06, 2012 | 0 comments | Read More
Raja Unlock Raja Unlock Updated at: September 06, 2012

Flashing ZTE Light Tab Android

Written By Raja unlock on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 | September 05, 2012

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Saya mengunakan ZTE Light Tab, beberapa hari yang lalu sempet hang, stag di di tulisan android, berawal dari install salah satu game yg di sedot dari web favorite saya di approb, kalo install atau unistall aplikasi/game prosesnya lama engga berhenti-henti, sampai batrei habis, aplikasi dan game tidak berjalan lancar dan waktu di reboot stag di tulisan andorid... sempet rawat inap di service center ZTE di kalibata, awalnya saya tidak tahu kenapa bisa hang seperti itu, setelah beres rawat inap mulai saya install applikasi dan game, maka terjadilah hal seperti itu sewaktu saya instal game yang sama dan bermasalah, setelah browsing, akhirnya dapat juga tutorial singkat dan powerfull, ZTE Tab saya kembali sehat tanpa harus di rawat inap, dan yang menjadi plus nya, saya jadi paham bagaimana cara flasing, sehingga sewaktu2 ada masalah dengan ZTE Light Tab, saya tidak perlu membawa ke service center lagi yang bikin BeTe karena tidak bisa Online wkwkwkwkwk....
Yang harus di perhatikan sebelum melakukan Flasing baca disini (ini sifatnya optional, karena pada kasus saya, ZTE Light Tab bener-bener tidak bisa dibuka ke aplikasi, ada baiknya sebagai bahan pertimbangan selalu backupdata secara berkala, buat jaga-jaga saja)

Bahan-bahan yang di gunakan untuk flashing ZTE
FLASHER (Sales_MultiDL_MSM7227_V1.00.01) --
Patch Untuk Flasher (Sales_MultiDL_MSM7227_patched) -- Ziddu
 Stock Rom -- 4shared
ZTE USB Driver Ziddu

Langkah-langkah sebagai berikut :
  1. Yang harus di lakukan adalah meng-instal aplikasi  Sales_MultiDL_MSM7227_V1.00.01, setelah di instal copy paste kan Sales_MultiDL_MSM7227_patched pada directori instalalasi, biasanya ada di C:\Program Files\ZTE\Sales_MultiDL_MSM7227_V1.00.01, jalankan Sales_MultiDL_MSM7227_patched, gunanya untuk mempatch (crack) aplikasi  Sales_MultiDL_MSM7227_V1.00.01 sehingga tidak perlu registrasi, setelah patch selesai, maka yang di jalakan adalah file Sales_MultiDL_MSM7227_patched - nya, jangan file asli instalanya, karena bila mengunakan file hasil instalan bukan file patch yang di copy paste maka aplikasi akan minta di registrasi.
  2. extrak file Stock Rom, saran saya extrak atau letakan pada folder instalasi Sales_MultiDL_MSM7227_V1.00.01 di  C:\Program Files\ZTE\Sales_MultiDL_MSM7227_V1.00.01 begitu juga dengan ZTE USB Driver
  3. setelah intall aplikasi selesai maka langkah awal adalah mematikan ZTEnya
  4.  nyalah kan kembali dengan menekan (tahan) tombol vol (-) dengan tombol power berbarengan tunggu sampai muncul dan stuck pada logo Zte nya dan sedikit layar berkedip baru dilepas, di kasus saya akan keluar tulisan FTM
  5. jalankan aplikasi Sales_MultiDL_MSM7227_patched 
  6. Centang pada “Super User”, SW Directory pilih folder “files”dan arahkan ke file Stock Rom seperti langkah Nomor 2 diatas
  7. Sambungin Zte pd PC melalui kabel data, tunggu sampai proses pengenalan hardware baru selesai, dan ini biasanya diperlukan ZTE USB Driver, jika memerlukan Driver-nya gunakan ZTE USB Driver diatas, Langkah Nomor 2
  8. Jika sudah, check posisi ZTE pada Port berapa pada device manager PC kamu “port (com & lpt)” ada port Zte nya dan pastiin (ingat2) tersambung pada COM berapa, caranya dengan Klick kanan My Computer, pilih Manage lalu pilih divice Manager cari posisi ZTE di “port (com & lpt)”atau start - control panel - system - device manager
  9. Sekarang kembali ke Sales_MultiDL_MSM7227_patched , klik Option – Port Config – Line1 – masukin COM berapa port Zte kamu tadi pada langkah Nomor 8 diatas lalu OK
  10. Pada kolom “Action Mode” dipilih BackUp NV lalu START ALL. Setelah selesai masuk ke folder ekstrak tadi kalo ada file Chanel1.nvm berarti sukses. (gunanya buat backup Info Device Zte)
  11. Kembali ke Sales_MultiDL_MSM7227_patched, “Action Mode” dipilih Download dan klik START ALL
  12. Tunggu proses selesai…
  13. Zte nya akan restart dan tunggu sampe progress Line1 Success pada Line1 COM di “Flasher”nya… ntar LCD akan muncul tulisan FTM.
  14. Setelah semua success cabut kabel,lalu lepasin battery kemudian pasang lagi battery dan nyalain seperti biasa. Pengalaman pribadi, butuh 2x restart buat GB ini berjalan normal.
yang perlu di perhatikan adalah langkah Nomor 10 dan 11, ikuti step by step, kalo perlu di print tutorial di atas baru flashing, kalo saya mengeluarkan simcard dan sdcard, buat jaga2 aja... oke... selamat mencoba...
September 05, 2012 | 2 comments | Read More
Raja Unlock Raja Unlock Updated at: September 05, 2012
Raja Unlock
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