Bosan dengan tampilan BBM anda? ubah tampilan BBM dengan aplikasi Cute Smart Sexy Fancy BBM.
Terdapat 5 jenis tema keren untuk anda pilih sesuai dengan selera :
Hello kitty ThemeBlack Beauty ThemeGreen House ThemeDoodle ThemePlay boy ThemeDownload gratis Aplikasi Cute Smart Sexy Fancy BBM Theme untuk membuat chating BBM anda lebih berwarna dan tidak membosankan.
You can even set the photo of your loved ones as the BBM background.
Fitur Fancy BBM Theme :
View BBM with five sexy themesChange the BBM background with the photo of your loved ones.Change the colors for incoming and outgoing BBM bubble.BBM quickly using Built in templates. ( you can add your custom templates)Download OTA :
Download Cute Smart Fancy BBM Theme – Composer and Viewer via App World
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