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Written By Raja unlock on Friday, November 23, 2012 | November 23, 2012


Simsimi Indonesia 1.5

Posted: 22 Nov 2012 10:35 PM PST

Simsimi is a friend you can talk to about subjects ranging from ordinary chitchat to the more personal. Its attractiveness comes from its uniqueness, in that Simsimi can be virtually taught just about anything. Simsimi is still a baby: Cute, cuddly, curious but at the same time naughty and mischievous, which is typical of small children, is what makes it hard for us to look away from Simsimi.

This is a form of entertainment where users can interact with Simsimi; a conversation similar to one in the real world and also an ability to teach Simsimi all you want. Be forewarned that this is unlike talking to your friend. Simsimi's response can be more shocking, ridiculous, annoying, pathetic, make you frown, and even make you shake your head in disbelief.

Equipped with artificial intelligence, Simsimi exists to make leisure time more enjoyable. Although not a true form of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Simsimi's ability to engage in a conversation is determined by the words being taught to it. As more words, sentences, and expressions are taught to it, Simsimi will get smarter which will present a more interesting and exciting experience to the user.

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PDF Converter 1.0

Posted: 22 Nov 2012 05:38 PM PST

It's a wonderful peace of program which works as a charm without an error and convert all your files swiftly. Changing to pdf has now become so simple, just a few clicks and you gets your files converted into PDF with high security and privacy option.
It's been a pain in the neck to go every time on a desktop to get your files converted into pdf to attach it in some emails. Now here we have come with this splendid application that does all this right from your device.
•    Convert files to PDF format
•    Share files over BBM™ and Email
•    Simple and user friendly UI

We would also like to invite you to try our other apps. Some of them that you will love are: Call Reminder Notes: Add Call notes to incoming and outgoing Calls, Period Calculator: Track your Ovulation Cycle, Desktop Clock, Expense Manager, Back-light ON, Sizer: Track your Apparel sizes, My SMS: Categorize and Take Backup of SMS, Facebook Birthday Reminder, Pronunciation Pro: Text to speech Converter, Bill Manager: Tracker Scheduler and Upcoming Bill Reminder, Smart Contact Cleaner: Duplicate Contact Cleaner. You can find them in BlackBerry® App World™ by searching on vendor name "Oswald Designs".

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Cara instal aplikasi offline bisa di lihat disini : Cara instal aplikasi blackberry secara offline
Raja Unlock Raja Unlock Updated at: November 23, 2012


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Raja Unlock
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